In September 2020 we proudly became corporate partners with Trees for Life, a multi award-winning organisation that we’ve been aware of for quite some time now. Trees for Life protects and expands the Caledonian Forest across the Scottish Highlands. Over the last 25 years they’ve planted almost 2 million trees!

We collaborated with Javier from Caribbean Goods, a green coffee importer based out of Glasgow and Guatemala. He kindly donated over 500kg of coffee to us with the suggestion that it be used for a good cause.
We could go on for hours about how great Trees for Life is and why we chose to partner with them, but we’ll try to keep it brief!
- Saving the forest by planting native trees such as ash, oak and scots pine. No coniferous monoculture here!
- Providing valuable habitat for threatened species including the scottish wildcat, the pine marten and the iconic capercaillie grouse.
- Trees for Life also works collaboratively with other great organisations on projects such as the reintroduction of missing species, like the red squirrel.
- Helping to reduce the impacts of climate change by storing carbon; preventing flooding and erosion by holding back water after rain.
Giving volunteering opportunities for hundreds of thousands of people to experience and be inspired by wild nature.
A portion of our annual donation goes towards the general running of the organisation as well as education initiatives or projects such as the translocation of red squirrels. The rest exclusively goes towards the planting of trees, which you can view in our online grove here. The trees are protected by law and will never be felled.
You can even add your own trees to our grove. £6 will plant one, it's great as a gift or just to help offset a little of the dreaded carbon!

A 2012 study found that the carbon footprint of one kilogram of coffee was almost 5kg of CO2! One tree can sequester about 22kg of CO2 annually. We’re committed to reducing our carbon footprint. Partnering with Trees for Life is just one aspect of our sustainability strategy, which includes exclusively sourcing organic coffees(we’re almost there!), using only renewable electricity, and the imminent arrival of our super efficient loring smart roaster.

Let us know if you’d like to know more, or keep an eye out for future posts about our sustainability efforts!
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